Halloween Useful Tips 2022

It’s almost time for Halloween and we can all use some Halloween Useful tips. This is the time of year you start seeing costume stores springing up, lawns having spooky decorations, and we get to enjoy sweets without guilt is almost here. Everywhere you look, there’s your favorite candy or chocolate wrapped in a scary yet appealing packaging.  Smiles of Round Lake has compiled a list of Halloween Useful tips to keep your teeth and family safe for Halloween.

PRE-Halloween useful tips

Safety this Halloween

Every child and kid should be able to experience some level of fun during Halloween.  Unfortunately, with most Holidays we have to do that with caution.  The National Safety Council has put out a list of items to be aware of this Halloween.  You are more than welcome to read the list at Halloween Safety- National Safety Council.  Another resource you can review is from the FDA – Halloween Food Safety Tips for Parents.

Healthier Treats to Handout

Non-Food Trick-or-Treat ideas

Wikki Stix
Glow Bracelets/Mini Glow Sticks
Bendable Character Toys
Silicone Finger Puppets
Bendable Spiders
Mini Squishy Toys
Sticky Hands
Mini Slimes
Sticky Frogs
Temporary Tattoos
Mini Stamps
Punch Balloons
Mini Slinky
Slap Bracelets
Novelty Erasers
Bouncy Balls
Mini Flashlights
Character Toothbrushes
Scented Monster Markers
Mini Playdough
Mini Novelty Erasers
Mini Fidget Spinners
Mustache Lip Whistles
LED Finger Lights
Multi Color Pens

Post-Halloween Useful Tips

So what now?  You have arrived home from a gathering, Trick-or-Treating, or you simply just have a lot of leftover candy you were handing out left.  Smiles of Round Lake has some Halloween useful tips and tricks to assist you with what to do with your yummy treats.

Donate Your Candy

It is always fun and exciting Trick-or-Treating with your friends and family.  When you are done, take a moment and sit down and go throw all the candy you have collected.  Pick your favorites out and donate the rest of your candy to a good cause.

Here are some Halloween Useful tips you might be interested in looking into:

Troops for Treats

Soldiers’ Angels Treats for Troops is a Halloween Candy collection program where local businesses accept excess Halloween candy from kids in exchange for goodies, once Trick-or-Treating season is over.

Halloween Candy BuyBack

This group, partners with businesses such as dentists’ offices to get extra candy out of the hands of your little ones in exchange for healthy items such as toothbrushes, hygiene kits, and coupons.

Operation Gratitude

You may be tired of those treats, but deployed troops and first responders will be touched that you sent them your sweets while they are working hard, far away from home. 

Ronald McDonald House Charities

Call your local chapter to find out the rules on bringing your unopened Halloween candy for severely sick children and their families to enjoy. While your kids are out trick-or-treating, these families will appreciate the taste of the holiday being delivered to them while they are in need.

The right time to Eat Treats

Allow your children to eat their favorite candies right after a meal instead of at a random time during the day.  Right after eating, saliva production is at its peak and can help cancel out acids produced by bacteria in your mouth.  Saliva also helps rinse away food that can stick to your teeth and cause cavities.

Drink Plenty of Water

After your children munch on a few of their goodies, give them lots of water because it’s the second-best thing you can do for their teeth if they don’t have time to brush.  Water helps cleanse their teeth and prevents sugar from staying on their teeth, which can lead to cavities.

Call Smiles of Round Lake for your Post-Halloween Cleaning and Exam

We wish everyone a safe and fun Halloween this year.  If you are overdue to have your teeth cleaned or examined, then please call our friendly office at 847-546-1542 or feel free to email us [email protected].