It is going to cost a lot of fix my tooth in order to save it. Should I just have it pulled?

Absolutely not! Extracting a tooth is a decision that should only be made when it is truly the last resort, and there is no treatment available to save the tooth.

We urge our patients not to decide to pull their tooth based on money alone. In almost every instance, people who have opted to have a tooth pulled rather than fixed have regretted their decision because it can be much more expensive in the long run. If you cannot afford to fix your tooth and decide you want it extracted, be sure to talk to your dentist so you understand completely the ramifications of your choice.

In many cases, root canal treatment is a viable option to tooth extraction and can save a troubled tooth, giving you back the full function of that tooth.

If a tooth is damaged, a simple dental crown might be all that is needed to restore its functionality.

It is important to remember that there is no tooth replacement option that is exactly like your natural tooth. Any artificial tooth option might limit your ability to chew your favorite healthy foods. Nothing beats keeping your natural teeth—especially when treatment is available to make it healthy again. Talk to your dentist before making such a drastic, permanent decision.