Our bodies are complex and are constantly working at keeping us healthy. Everything inside us relies on how healthy we are. Did you know that certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, can have an impact on your oral health? It doesn’t matter whether you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. You are probably asking yourself why? This is mainly because of your blood sugar levels. People with diabetes have a higher risk of plaque building up due to glucose or sugar in their blood causing tooth decay. You can learn more on the Mayo Clinic website here. We have some tips below to help keep your smile looking beautiful.
Let your dentist know you have diabetes
Most of us think that we really don’t need to tell our family dentist about our medical issues. That can’t be further from the truth. Keeping your family dentist informed of your health conditions allows them to personalize your treatment.
It is important to keep your blood glucose levels stable
Keeping your glucose level in your blood will not only help you feel better, but it also discourages the growth of plaque on your teeth and gums.
Practice good oral hygiene
It is important to keep up with your oral hygiene. This includes flossing daily, brushing twice daily, and whatever other regimens your dentist might recommend you to do.
Visiting your Dentist Regularly
It is always a good rule of thumb to plan on visiting your dentist twice a year. Your dentist might recommend coming more than that in certain cases.
Let your dentist know about your medications
There are certain medications that can impact your oral health differently. You can also ask your general practitioner about other medications if this is the case. This will help you stay on top of your dental hygiene.
Do you or a loved one have diabetes and wonder how it impacts your oral health? Please contact Dr. Lin at Smiles of Round Lake at 847-546-1542. We would love to answer any questions or schedule you an appointment.